On-site Family Coaching

Have you been to a family bonding camp? This on-site program is a great follow-up to help you implement what you learned at camp into your home!


3-Day Healing Power Pack

The Healing Power Pack program is designed to give families a boost, offer support and hands-on learning with therapeutic techniques, and to help parents create a personalized healing plan to implement at home.

This program includes :

  • 1 day of Safety check Protocol and behaviour and connection intervention (with hands-on practice and step-by-step guidance)
  • 1 day of planning, includes family safety plans, daily schedules, and daily routines (specific to each family’s needs, schedules, and situation)
  • 1 day of bonding, nurturing, and connection practices (includes creating positive family memories!)

Participants: Parents/caregivers & child(ren) with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

Length of program:  3 consecutive days (fit to your schedule!); 9:00AM – 4:00PM

Available dates:  Year-round availability (inquire for availability)

Cost: $900.00CAD for up to two adults* and one child; includes all workbooks, materials, and lunch and snacks each day. ($240.00CAD per additional person).

Programs used in coaching: The RADish Ranch’s Therapeutic Parenting Program, Safety Check Protocol, Daily Connection Plan, Felt Safety, Bruce Perry 6Rs, and more!

Location: Coaching sessions from 9:00AM – 4:00PM will be held at The RADish Ranch house. Families will need to make book accommodations at a nearby motel or bed & breakfast.

Interested in our Healing Power Pack program? Inquire about dates and availability HERE.


“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world” Anne Frank